Wednesday 18 January 2012

Non-Native Crib Sheet

Since my fortuitous meeting with Belgian Maman a few weeks ago, we have been getting to know each other and excitedly trading ideas, words and phrases.

Belgian Maman came up with a fantastic idea - creating a Non-Native Crib Sheet full of useful words and phrases that we need on an almost daily basis when chatting with our little ones. She also suggested we share this crib sheet on my blog.

What a fabulous idea.

I honestly can't imagine how happy I would have felt to have found any semblance of a crib sheet when I first started speaking French with Poppette. I would have jumped for joy :-)

So... I have started a new page "Non-Native Crib Sheet" which you can access via the tab at the top of this page. I really hope that it helps a few people... even one person.

The list already runs to over more than 200 words and phrases but so far I have only had the time to upload a few onto the blog. If the crib sheet is of interest to you, I do recommend you keep popping back to have a look for updates.


  1. Great job! I totally agree that a crib sheet in the non-native language - especially for all of us non-native speakers! - would have been amazing to have right from the start. I've been keeping a list of German words on my blog, but it's so random! Not at all organized. I have dreams of creating something more useful.... Good for you for getting it started! I hope you get some good input from other Francophones!!

  2. Love it...I am going to try to do the same. Only problem is, I don't know why language to tackle first. Thanks for the idea.


  3. What a great idea! I'm going to try to do the same!

  4. I am sooo happy to see that this is getting a good response. I really hope people benefit from it. It's also great to see that you guys are thinking of trying a similar approach with other language pairs... what a great resource we can compile between us.

  5. LOVE your crib sheet idea! I've started one on my site, too, with your page as my beginning and inspiration. Thanks SO much! Excited to add to it! Maybe Kate and I, Germanintheafternoon, can work on our German one together!

    1. Great idea! I just checked out your crib sheet, and I learned two things!!! I've been saying "Umarmung" for hug - didn't think of "drucken". And is "Bussi" dialect or something? Don't know that word! :) So much to learn from each other!

  6. What a great idea!! I might give one to one of my kids' teachers who really is into having English speaking kids in his class and likes to try phrases out!

  7. Great crib sheet idea! I love it!
