Knowing how much of a task it is for a non-native speaker to pull together child orientated vocabulary, I decided to make a list of words that I come accross.
Last updated 4th January 2012.
If anyone has anything to add or any changes/ corrections to suggest please do email me at
Here's what I have so far:-
Au dodo! = Time for bed! Off to bed!
Avoir un bobo/ se blesser = Have something that hurts/ to have hurt oneself e.g. “T’as un bobo ?” "tu t'es blessé"
Tu vas avoir/ recevoir une fessée si tu continues = you'll get a smack if you don't stop it
Mon poulet/ mon chouchou/ mon loulou = [term of endearment for little boys] Little man, my little soldier
ma poulette/ ma princesse/ ma puce/ ma chouchoute/ ma louloute = [term of endearment for little girls] Sweetie, sweetheart, sugar plum
Le bidon = tummy
Le bobo = a sore, a bruise, a scratch, a cut
Le caca = poo, doo-doo, number two
Choupinet = [term of endearment for little boys] Little man, my little soldier
Choupinette = [term of endearment for little girls] Sweetie, sweetheart, sugar plum
Coucou! = Coo-ee! Peek-a-boo!
Le doudou (les doudous) = comfort blanket
Faire caca = to do a poo, to do/have a number two
Faire dodo/ aller au lit = to sleep, to go to beddy-byes
Faire pipi = to have a wee-wee
Faire un prout/ faire un pet/ péter = to fart
La grosse commission = poo, doo-doo, number two
Le hochet = toy rattle
Le loulou (les loulous)/ les crottes de nez = snot, bogies
La maman = mum, mummy
La mamie = Grandma, Granny, Nanny
Miam miam = yum yum
Le minou (les minous) = pussy cat, kitty cat, kitty
Le nounours = teddy bear
Le papa = dad, daddy
Le papy = Grandad
Le pipi = wee-wee, number one
Le popo = poo, number two
Le prout = fart, trump, poop
La tata = auntie
La tatie = auntie
Le tonton = uncle
La totoche/ la tute/ la sucette/ la tutu/ la titi = dummy, pacifier
Le toutou (les toutous) = doggy
La tutute = dummy, pacifier
La zézette/ la prune/ la petite lune - foufou
Le zizi = willy